Steven Khalil is a renowned Australian fashion designer celebrated for his luxurious couture creations and bridal gowns. His eponymous brand, “Steven Khalil,” is synonymous with opulence and sophistication, featuring intricate hand-embellishments, lace, and embroidery that make his designs highly sought after by brides and celebrities. With a knack for dressing A-listers for red carpet events and weddings, Khalil has earned a reputation as one of Australia’s leading fashion designers. His bridal gowns are particularly revered for their timeless elegance and attention to detail, making him a go-to designer for custom-made, high-end couture pieces for special occasions, and he continues to be a prominent figure in the fashion world.

Some of LBR’s current favorite wedding dresses from bridal designer

Steven Khalil*

*Check with your local LBR to see which styles we currently have in store

Steven Khalil


Steven Khalil


Steven Khalil


Steven Khalil


Steven Khalil


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